Bukhara New Delhi

Veda New Delhi
You must think that all I write about is what I eat and where I eat. Well that's because if I wrote about the other stuff I do when I am on these trips it would be tremendously boring as the rest of it involves work. I could I suppose include interesting little snippets about the people I meet but that might get me in to trouble and we don't want that now.
In any case I am in Delhi, got here a couple of days ago after a fond farewell to the lovely Calcutta. I like Delhi alot despite the various arguments made by the Bombayites that it's much more interesting and safe in Bombay. I think the wide streets, the cooler weather, the relatively well maintained monuments and the less blingtastic shopping does it for me. It's got nothing on Calcutta and it's charm but it's nevertheless somewhere I prefer to Bombay and it's nouveau riche chaos.
The first night in Delhi we ate at an uber trendy restaurant called Veda, there were queues outside so it was a good job that Louisa had called to book before hand. The menu wasn't very complex since you had to choose between ordering a 7 course taster menu or ala carte. I decided that a 7 course taster menu sounded like the bees knees and it most certainly was. With the exception of the pudding which was a weird concontion of condensed milk and lychee (I know..ewwww), the other six courses were delightful. I particularly enjoyed the chicken stuffed with lamb and the grilled fish served with lemon rice. After Veda we went to a poolside bar called Aqua which reminded me of the Bed bar I went to a couple of years ago in Miami. The only difference was it was actually freezing in Delhi and so the whole experience of sitting by a pool nursing a mocktail with very bad music blaring out of the speakers wasn't particularly positive.
Last night I went out with Uncle Mike and his family. We went to the Bukhara restaurant which is a much coveted venue. I am never sure why as the food is best described as mediocre. I stayed at the ITC Maurya last year and so managed to get a table for myself and a couple of International Officers and someone was tricked in to ordering a naan that cost £20, I kid you not £20!! So this time around because none of us were staying at the ITC Maurya, getting a table was a bit troublesome. Nevertheless Mike got Kanika to pull some strings and we got a table. The food was good and I am not sure what the bill was but I am pretty certain it wasn't good value for money. I suppose it's just something you have to do when you're in Delhi, just like going to the Gymkhanna Club but I guess that's for tomorrow.