For an alleged Islamic state, Malaysia sure loves the trappings of Christmas. As I Christian I find what Christmas has become pretty repulsive. As Europe in particular begins to acknowledge that it is now a post Christendom society Christmas has become what it probably started of as, a cultural celebration. Christmas is meant to have it's origins in the pagan Winter Solstice Festival. Fine, like all religions Christianity has definitely drawn from the cultures of it's initial followers hence Jesus allegedly being born on 25 December (my mum is convinced that the researchers on the History Channel are correct and he was born in April!). In any case I am not overly concerned about when Jesus was born, it's all so irrelevant when you consider that he was actually born and the reasons why he was born. I have no intention of turning this post in to some evangelistic rant but I will say this, Christmas is not about the bright lights, Christmas trees, Santa (Ugh! He just comes across as a dirty old man as far as I am concerned, although I can see why a man who brings presents might appeal to children), mince pies, mulled wine or whatever the tradition is in your culture. Christmas should be about the birth of Jesus Christ. So really if you don't believe that Jesus was the son of God and he died to save you, please go and find another thing to celebrate. It's like the atheists in England writing an alternative Christmas book, if you don't count yourself a Christian then why bother with Christmas?? Why even call it Christmas?
On another note, I was unnecessarily mean to my sister yesterday. Being Tamil we're not good at apologising face to face so I am hereby making a public apology. I am sorry, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and went nuts. Maybe it was PMS? I don't know, there was no excuse and I am sorry.
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