It's raining in tropical paradise, AGAIN. The last two mornings have been met with some success in terms of achieving swimming goals as the sun has been out briefly. I have been doing laps at the Yacht Club pool which brings back childhood memories of learning how to swim, bullying Shivani and drinking Vitagen. It also reminds me of the days of being called a baby elephant by my swimming coach, talk about helping a 16 year old girl's self esteem.
What better to do on these cold (ahem!) and miserable days than to drink tea, eat biscuits and read Paul Theroux. I am reading The Great Railway Baazar which has me howling with laughter from time to time particularly with his descriptions of the various ethnic groups in India. Today I will share with you his description of Bengalis:
'Bengalis are the most alert people I had met in India. They were also irritable, talktative, dogmatic, arrogant, and humourless, holding forth with malicious skill on virtually every subject except the future or Calcutta'
I have yet to share this with my Bengali friends but I suspect they are likely to agree with most of it. Tomorrow or certainly the next time I post I will quote Theroux on Tamils. I thought Naipaul's disgust for Tamil food and the way we eat in An Area of Darkness most amusing. I have to agree the slurping of sambar, the balling up of the rice and the overall licking of fingers may seem rather disgusting to the uninitiated. I maintain that it's the only way to eat :)
I also took photos of myself modelling my two pairs of sunglass. I was being ironic, it's raining but why not model my sunnies. Isn't that what bloggers are supposed to do be all ironic and cool. I am also wearing a rather delightful cotton batik shirt that Papa bought in Sri Lanka a few years ago, it's too comfortable yah! Sexy no, but certainly perfect for this dull day in.
I think the shirt is sexy.
Also, just to say, I double-clicked on the Ray Ban pics & now have tears in my eyes. My body shook for minutes & my day is bright once again. The red Ray Ban pic is the ultimate choc cake image.
I heart chocolate cake, it's the best. Everyone deserves a bit of chocolate cake action although it's a look not many can achieve, I am special like that. Although peach melba sometimes you can be pretty darned cute too
Baby elephant?? On top of chocolate cake? It's a small wonder you haven't gone on a wild machete spree....
I think your papalicious has the cutest taste on brought-back tops and trousers for his girls! Shivani's big ole painting trousers were priceless :-)
Yeah my swimming coach told me when I was sixteen that I dived like a baby elephant so I never dived again. Chocolate cake is Shivani's nickname for me, she says I am cute like a chocolate cake. Errm I am not sure why but anyhoo. Papa does have impeccable taste. I shall be modelling the skirts from Laos shortly.
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