I never saw myself as a men in tights kind of girl and besides Dorothea and I had made plans to do fun things like meander around Borough market and have some tasty Monmouth coffee. Not that we are cliches or anything, how many Londoners spend their Saturdays eating and drinking at Borough Market..ok fine lots. So we bucked the trend and went to watch Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake. I had never been to the ballet before and was expecting to be fairly bored because I am really not big on the whole culture thing. However just like Julia Roberts went nuts for the opera in Pretty Woman I went nuts for the ballet! Which I think is pretty darned amazing for someone who knows nothing about ballet or dance. Kudos to Matthew Bourne for producing a show that reaches out to the uninitiated. I suppose it helped that the ballet boys all had lovely lithe forms. Dorothea did mention that it's terribly painful to be a ballet dancer, you're making your body do all sorts of things that it probably shouldn't. I'll stick to being a fat international officer thanks very much. At least I can eat apple crumble for my pudding and not worry too much. Happy to observe as always.
Did any of the ballet boys look like your man GGB? Because that would turn you into a ballet groupie...
Well they were nicely formed shall we say? I think the photos are pretty telling :)
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